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20 juin 2016 1 20 /06 /juin /2016 19:32


Anna Lindh was a Swede, a leftist politician, and favourable to Sweden joining the euro. As Minister for Foreign Affairs, she became the Muse for supporters of the euro. The mother of two young children, she was murdered at age 46 in Stockholm.

Jo Cox was an Englishwoman, a leftist politician, and favourable to maintaining the United Kingdom in the European Union. A Labour MP, she became the Muse for opponents to the Brexit. The mother of two young children, she was murdered at age 42 in Leeds.

The first murder took place on September 11, 2003, three days before the vote.

The second murder took place on June 16, 2016, six days before the vote.

Two pitiful victims.

In both cases, the murderers were mentally unbalanced. They had been consigned to a psychiatric hospital. The first one was an ethnic Serb, the second is an Englishman. Both were murderers in the style of Lee Harvey Oswald, said François Asselineau, a French politician, the President of a small euro-sceptical party, UPR, who as soon as June 8 predicted that proponents of staying in EU might have recourse to an attack similar to that which struck Anna Lindt[1] .

Rumour has it that the murderer of Jo Cox, who, according to some, was apolitical, but, according to others, a Neo-Nazi, was alleged to have yelled 'Britain first !' while striking his victim. But the witness who was quoted as having asserted this, in fact denied having heard anything of the kind. This is something communication specialists know : after a dramatic event, we memorize the first word.

The Anti-Brexit press immediately invested the murderer in the role of a fanatical Brexit supporter. A poorly inspired supporter, since polls were beginning to turn in favour of Brexit.

Does being against the Europe of Brussels mean being a fanatical Nationalist, and therefore a Nazi, thus a potential criminal ?

The Stockholm murder, which had probably come too late, had not changed the outcome of the election: the Swedes had rejected the euro, and certainly do not regret their decision today. The Leeds murder reversed the polls in favour of Britain remaining in the European Union.

Between conspiracy theory and naiveté

The dividing line between conspiracy theory and naiveté is narrow. But the coincidence between these two dramatic events remains unsettling.

What cannot be disputed is that Brexit will strongly destabilize the whole fabric of the European Union - which is one of the centrepieces of the political/military and economic architecture now binding the Western world together. Note that Obama, more imperial than ever, came over to tell the British how they should vote.

Now defenders of the Western order are not kidding. Neither are the ideologues. The logic of ideologies - and of the Europe-building process as claiming to do away with nations, just like another ideology which wanted to do away with social classes - will be put before any other consideration. No horrendous crime would stop them.

If British voters, having said no to Remain, discover one day that they have been manipulated, there is no doubt that Europe will have a taste of blood.


[1] http://reseauinternational.net/assassinat-de-la-championne-anglaise-du-camp-pro-europe-jo-cox-scenario-pronostique-par-francois-asselineau-des-le-8-juin-lors-dune-interview-verite/


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